Happy Little Snowman

December 16, 2010

A few of the snowmen before I gave them away

I wanted to give my coworkers a small but thoughtful Christmas gift.  My intention was to make them smile and to bring a little holiday cheer into the office. 

While browsing youtube for “holiday arts and crafts” and I came accros a video that discussed holiday crafts.  At about 1:51 the lady showed little snowmen made out of socks.  I thought the idea of using baby socks as a beanie was too cute!  It inspired me to take that idea and create my own little version of snow peeps!

A couple days later I brought my little snow peeps to work.  Everyone who received one was suddenly so happy!!  Their eyes lit up, their voices got a little high pitched, and they were just filled with joy!  I didn’t realize that these little snowmen would bring so much glee!! 

Since these little snowmen generated so much happiness, I decided to make my first youtube tutorial.  I want to share how to make these little guys so that whoever is watching can make them, share them, and spread more happiness! 
Enjoy watching the video below:

just me,

Happy Thoughts

December 2, 2010

Jaclyn Rae recently commented on one of the posts in our blog.  It prompted me to read her blog and I thought this blog was AWESOME!


She wrote about how she keeps a journal dedicated to happy thoughts.  I can see that being a valuable reference to anyone who is in need of a “pick me up.”

Happy happy, joy joy!

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

December 1, 2010

Today my co-worker went to Chipotle, opened his wallet and discovered that all that remained was one lonely little card. And it wasn’t even a credit or debit card. 😦

The person behind the counter was kind enough to let him have his food for free.

Trying to think the best of people, he tried to find places around him where things could have fallen out. He even asked a few people if they were playing a joke on him. Unfortunately … No luck.

Later on that day he said that he wasn’t angry or even upset about it. He said it wasn’t worth it. I also over heard him say, “if someone took it … How sad is that?” As though he felt bad for the other person.

He’s a GREAT example of how to act in that situation. Feeling upset or angry won’t solve or change what happened. Accept it and move forward.

Cheers to not letting the small stuff ruin your day!

Just me,